
Preserving the Legacy of Hangar 3

A wide view of Hangars 2 and 3 with a bold runway stripe on the left. A pickup truck and 4 rescue helicopters are parked near the hangar doors.
South facades of Hangar 2 and Hangar 3, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Stephen D. Schafer, 2022. Courtesy Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, HAER, CA-335-B-43

Throughout its 80-year lifespan, significant efforts were undertaken to repair and strengthen Hangar 3’s timber trusses. Unfortunately, it was not possible to keep up with the damage progression advancing throughout the structure. Although a temporary internal shoring and hydraulic jacking system was put in place, the building remained unsafe for occupancy and vulnerable to further damage and collapse, especially from seismic or high wind load events. The purpose of the Hangar 3 Hazard Remediation Project was to resolve this dangerous condition and eliminate an unacceptable structural hazard, thereby protecting life and property.

The NASA Ames Research Center and Planetary Ventures, in consultation with the National Park Service, California State Historic Preservation Office, and Advisory Council on Historic Preservation have prepared this website and film to document the history and built features of Hangar 3, provide valuable information for future researchers, and celebrate its local and global impact.

As part of this project, Hangar 3 has been documented according to the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER). This includes a narrative summary of the history and significance of Hangar 3, a complete set of architectural drawings prepared by the National Park Service, and large-format photographs of the interior and exterior taken by Stephen D. Schafer of Schaf Photo. The architectural drawings and a selection of those engaging images are featured on this website; the full HAER package is housed at the Library of Congress.

Please click the numbers on the images below to explore exterior and interior views of Hangar 3.

The National Park Service completed a LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) scan of Hangar 3 in order to produce the immersive 3D models included below, which provide virtual views of the immense structure and its parabolic-arched truss.

This Moffett Field Hangar 3: Built to Serve Those Who Soared website was developed by the NASA Ames Research Center and Planetary Ventures, in partnership with Historic Resources Group, CJA Creative Collaborations, and Happening Studio, to provide a dynamic and accessible presentation of the airfield’s evolution and its historic hangars.

The short film, Moffett Field: The Legacy of Hangar 3, which is included on the homepage of this website, was created by the NASA Ames Research Center and Planetary Ventures, in partnership with Historic Resources Group, CJA Creative Collaborations, and FILMBYSTEVO, in order to highlight personal reflections about Hangar 3’s profound influence and unique features.

3D Model of Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Daniel De Sousa, Architect, 2024, Courtesy National Park Service, Historic American Engineering Record, CA-335-B

3D Model of a Truss Detail of Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Daniel De Sousa, Architect, 2024, Courtesy National Park Service, Historic American Engineering Record, CA-335-B

Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 1, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
First Level Floor Plan – North Section, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 2, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
First Level Floor Plan – South Section, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 3, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Second Level Floor Plan – North Section, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 4, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Second Level Floor Plan – South Section, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 5, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Third Level Floor Plan – North Section, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 6, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Third Level Floor Plan – South Section, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 7, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Catwalk Level Floor Plan – North Section, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 8, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Catwalk Level Floor Plan – South Section, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 9, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Roof Level Floor Plan – North Section, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 10, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Roof Level Floor Plan – South Section, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 11, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Section Looking East – North Segment, Section Looking East – South Segment, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 12, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Section Looking West – South Segment, Section Looking West – North Segment, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 13, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
East Elevation – South Segment, East Elevation – North Segment, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 14, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
West Elevation – North Segment, West Elevation – South Segment, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 15, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
North Elevation, South Elevation, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 16, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Isometric View of Typical Truss and Bay Framing, Section Looking North, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 17, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B
Select Original Construction Drawings, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, Hangar No. 3, Macon Road, Santa Clara County, Sheet 18, National Park Service Heritage Documentation Programs, Thomas M. Behrens, Architect, 2024. Courtesy National Park Service, HAER, CA-335-B

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